Your heartbeat, rather than being a simple “lub-dub, lub-dub,” is a tightly compressed information stream, broadcasting its message to every cell.It is projected throughout the body, and radiates several feet outside of you. The heart’s electromagnetic field is the most powerful field generated by your body.The heart contains its own independent nervous system, comprised of more than 40,000 neurons.Their research reveals the heart to be a command center of formidable intelligence and intuitive knowledge that is tied into every system and every cell of your body. In the groundbreaking book The HeartMath Solution, authors Doc Childre and Howard Martin distill over 30 years of research on the complex role the heart plays in your health, happiness, well-being, and longevity. In fact, as science is beginning to reveal, the heart is much more powerful, healing, and transformative than has ever been imagined. It’s much more than the seat of your warmest emotions and deepest feelings. After all, you need to be tough, strong, and resilient to get by each day and the idea of cultivating the “soft” emotions of compassion, forgiveness, mercy, kindness, and love seem at odds with the pain and suffering the world can send out. The heart is also thought of as sentimental, mushy, emotional, tender, and otherwise ill-equipped to handle the harsh realities of life. Yes, it works hard beating day in and out, but besides that, what’s so great about it? Although there’s no minimizing its physiological importance to your life and health, as an organ the heart is often relegated to being a mere pump whose sole purpose is to circulate blood throughout your body.